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Rushall Park Retirement Living

Rushall Park Retirement Living


Fitzroy North, VIC


Old Colonists Association of Victoria (OCAV)


Williams Boag Architects


Williams Boag Architects

Contract Type

Construct Only


Project value


Months (staged) build




  • Restrictive Site Access
  • Live Operating Environment
  • Existing Structure Works
  • Staged Project Delivery
  • Heritage Listed Building 
  • Extensive Civil Works

Rushall Park provides 135 independent living units, a 28-bed hostel, and 30 nursing home beds for the Old Colonists Association of Victoria (OCAV). Listed on the Victorian Heritage Register and classified by the National Trust, the site has typically consisted of small clusters of housing, the first of which was built in 1870.

This project involved replacing the existing hostel and nursing home with 25 Independent and Assisted Living Units as well as new communal facilities and retrofitting the historic Sumner Hall. Three new buildings were constructed on this heritage-listed site and two existing buildings were refurbished. There were also extensive site services required, car parking, landscaping, and detailed facades.

The Rushall Park works were completed within an operating facility on a busy road with high voltage overhead power lines. These construction challenges were overcome with clear communications, careful sequencing, and the extensive experience of our site team.


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